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Seba serbi tentang Cover Story Band

Rabu, 19 Agustus 2009


In this time world of permusikan very tight and full of emulation, hence from that a musician (composer / creator of song / musicians) will race - race make music they is not hackneyed and not left behind epoch. Hence from that they will require other music reference, namely by process effect effect which of course soft and compatible in song which they make.. Controller of effect of this music of habit referred as by SEQUENCE, and habit also they double as keyboard.
Overseas band of course have do not be foreign again with music which like, because they have recognized since year 1882, in this time Sequence have very fast once expand, nymph of Band ( Linkin Park, Bill of Jovi, Blink, Plus 44, etc), In the reality in Indonesia nor will fail with this left behind, Band Indonesia strarting effect - effect which [in] mix in its song is DEWA 19 masterminded by Achmad Dhani., And start to pop out band - band following…

As for this Software Sequence kinds of
- Guitar Pro
- Keyboard Pro
- FL Studio
- Wave Microwave
- Sony Sound forge
- etc

And most software - the software process type of music have format (*. mid,*.midi) so that can be processed with keyboard - synthetyser keyboard..

>> Version English

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